
Products are delivered to the customer’s chosen address. HOME DELIVERY Lofrese S.p.A. entrusts all shipping to Mail Boxes Etc. Home delivery is done by parter carriers of Mail Boxes Etc. The Client can choose shipping to a different address. It is sufficient to change the address at the time of order. Receiving the Package: Please follow these instructions when receiving the package: 1. Check if the number of received packages match the number of packages on the form you’re signing. 2. Check the integrity of the package and in case of damage include the expression “accepted under reserve” and state the reason. 3. When accepting the package “under reserve” please photograph details of the package before and after opening it and send the pictures to That’s the only way we can file a complaint to the courier. Packaging quality:
The packaging is certified for drops up to 8m.
Delivery Time
Shipping Cost
Italy (Sicily and Sardinia included)
Max 5 days
Varies depending on quantity